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Get The Merchant of Venice No Fear Shakespeare PDF Online

No Fear Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice PDF Free Download

Are you looking for a way to enjoy one of Shakespeare's most famous and controversial plays without getting lost in the archaic language and complex plot? If so, you might want to check out No Fear Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice, a modern English translation that preserves the original tone and meaning of the play. In this article, we will tell you what No Fear Shakespeare is, why you should read The Merchant of Venice, and how to download the PDF for free. We will also give you a brief summary and analysis of the play, highlighting its main themes, characters, and language features.


What is No Fear Shakespeare?

No Fear Shakespeare is a series of books that offer side-by-side translations of Shakespeare's plays into plain English. The translations are faithful to the original texts, but they use contemporary vocabulary and syntax to make them easier to understand and appreciate. No Fear Shakespeare also provides helpful annotations, summaries, and character lists to help readers follow the action and grasp the nuances of the play. No Fear Shakespeare is ideal for students, teachers, and anyone who wants to enjoy Shakespeare without fear.

no fear shakespeare merchant of venice pdf free download

Why read The Merchant of Venice?

The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespeare's most popular and influential plays. It tells the story of a Jewish moneylender named Shylock who demands a pound of flesh from a Christian merchant named Antonio as collateral for a loan. Antonio's friend Bassanio needs the money to woo Portia, a wealthy heiress who has to choose her husband from among three caskets. The play explores themes such as justice, mercy, prejudice, love, friendship, and loyalty. It also features some of Shakespeare's most memorable characters, such as the witty and clever Portia, the loyal and generous Antonio, the cunning and vengeful Shylock, and the comic and romantic Bassanio. The play is full of dramatic tension, humor, irony, and poetry. It challenges readers to think about the moral dilemmas and conflicts that arise from human nature and society.

How to download the PDF for free?

If you want to read No Fear Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice on your computer or mobile device, you can download the PDF for free from several websites. One of them is No Sweat Shakespeare, which offers a full version of the original text and the modern translation in PDF format. You can also find other websites that offer similar services by searching for "no fear shakespeare merchant of venice pdf free download" on Google or Bing. However, be careful not to download any files that might contain viruses or malware. Always check the source and reputation of the website before downloading anything.

Summary of The Merchant of Venice

Act 1: A loan and a bond

The play begins in Venice, where Antonio, a wealthy merchant, is feeling sad for no apparent reason. His friends Salerio and Solanio suggest that he might be worried about his ships at sea or in love with someone. They are interrupted by Bassanio, Antonio's close friend, who asks Antonio for a loan of 3000 ducats. Bassanio explains that he wants to court Portia, a rich lady from Belmont who has many suitors. Antonio agrees to help Bassanio, but he does not have enough money at hand. He decides to borrow it from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender who hates Antonio for his anti-Semitic remarks and his practice of lending money without interest.

Meanwhile, in Belmont, Portia complains to her maid Nerissa about the strange condition that her father left in his will. He stipulated that Portia can only marry the man who chooses the right casket out of three: one made of gold, one of silver, and one of lead. Each casket has a riddle on it, and only the one that contains Portia's portrait is the correct one. Portia tells Nerissa that she does not like any of her current suitors, and she wishes that Bassanio, whom she met once before, would come to try his luck.

Act 2: A runaway and a lottery

In Venice, Shylock's daughter Jessica elopes with Lorenzo, a Christian friend of Antonio and Bassanio. She steals some of her father's money and jewels and disguises herself as a boy. Shylock is furious and vows to take revenge on Antonio, whom he blames for his daughter's betrayal. He also learns that Antonio's ships have been wrecked and that he will not be able to repay the loan.

In Belmont, Portia receives four more suitors: the Prince of Morocco, the Prince of Arragon, the Duke of Saxony, and Falconbridge, an English baron. They all fail to choose the right casket and leave disappointed. Bassanio arrives with his friend Gratiano and is welcomed by Portia, who secretly hopes that he will win her hand. Bassanio chooses the lead casket, which bears the inscription "Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath". He finds Portia's portrait inside and rejoices. Portia gives him a ring as a token of her love and asks him never to lose it or give it away. Gratiano also proposes to Nerissa and she accepts. They all celebrate their happiness.

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Act 3: A trial and a trap

In Venice, Shylock demands that Antonio pay him the 3000 ducats or forfeit the pound of flesh. Antonio cannot pay and is arrested by the Duke's officers. Bassanio hears of his friend's plight and returns to Venice with Portia's money to pay off the debt. However, Shylock refuses to accept any money and insists on his bond. The Duke of Venice presides over the trial and tries to persuade Shylock to show mercy, but he refuses. He also rejects the offer of Bassanio to pay him twice or even ten times the amount owed.

Portia arrives in Venice disguised as a young lawyer named Balthazar, accompanied by Nerissa disguised as her clerk. She pretends to be sent by Doctor Bellario, a famous legal expert whom the Duke has consulted. She asks to examine the contract and agrees that Shylock has the right to claim a pound of flesh from Antonio. However, she points out that the contract does not mention any blood, and that Shylock must cut exactly one pound of flesh without shedding any blood or harming any other part of Antonio's body. If he does so, he will be guilty of murder and forfeit his property and life. Shylock realizes that he has been trapped and asks for his money instead, but Portia says that he has forfeited that too by conspiring against the life of a citizen. She also accuses him of being an alien who has tried to kill a Venetian, which is punishable by death or confiscation of goods. The Duke spares Shylock's life but orders him to give half of his wealth to Antonio and half to the state. He also forces him to convert to Christian


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